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Q: Do white blood cells have anything to do with your toenails and fingernails?
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Are nails alive?

... No. It's dead skin cells.

What protects the ends of fingers and toes?

Fingernails and toenails are plates of stratified squamous epithelial cells with hard keratin that protect the distal ends of the phalanges. The phalanges are the finger bones.You are describing finger nails and toe nails. For some interesting nail facts: fingernails grow faster than toenails. The fingernails on the right hand of a right-handed person grow faster than those on their left hand.

Do fingernails and toenails have the same DNA?

Yes, all the parts of the same body have identical DNA (with the exception of very rare people known as chimeras, formed when the embryos of fraternal twins merge and the cells of what would have been two different persons intermingle in the body of one person). However the cells that make up fingernails and toenails are dead and there may be some degradation of their DNA.

Can fingernails breathe?

No, fingernails do not require oxygen or have the ability to breathe. Fingernails are composed of a tough protein called keratin and are not living tissue. They receive nutrients and oxygen from the blood supply in the nail bed beneath them.

What is cell specialized in a multicellular organism?

When each cell specializes in a certain task: some cells make fingernails, others become blood cells, brain cells, kidney cells, etc.

What structure in the human body does not contain blood vessels?

The point of a blood vessel is to transport blood throughout the body in order to distribute nutrients and wick away cellular waste. The only living cells in the body that aren't directly served by blood vessels are the cells in the eye's cornea; rather than obtain their nutrients through blood, these cells receive all needed nutrients through diffusion across the aqueous humour (the watery substance between the lens and the cornea). Other body parts that don't have blood vessels include hair, nails, enamel, and outer skin layers.

What are whole blood cells?

There little blood cells kinda like white blood cells but there like your stoner blood cells and they just kinda chill around and don't really do anything

Is anything in your blood magnetic?

The iron in the hemoglobin of red blood cells

Does the heart carry anything besides blood?

The heart does not actually carry anything, it only pumps blood. The blood however, carries nutrients and oxygen to body cells and wastes away from the cells.

Does the size of red blood cells have anything to do with determining a persons blood type?

The size of blood cells is not a factor in determining a person's blood type. Blood type is determined by a combination of certain proteins in the cells.

How do toenails and fingernails grow?

Nails grow from an area of rapidly dividing cells known as the nail root. The nail root is located at the tips of fingers and toes. During cell division, the cells of the nail root fill with keratin and produce a tough, platelike nail that covers and protects the tips of fingers and toes.

What does blood produce?

Blood does not produce anything; rather, it is a vital bodily fluid that carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. Blood is produced by the bone marrow, which generates red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.