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No, but it really doesn't hurt. It is a little uncomfortable because they are moving and stretching your lips around but it doesn't hurt until after your braces are all on and your teeth start to move. Your teeth will probably be sensitive for the first few days and you should just eat soft foods like macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, soup, etc.

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15y ago
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13y ago

No, they do not numb you. You don't need numbing, it doesn't hurt! (believe me, i have braces)

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12y ago

i think so but if not they poke it around eaither way it has to be loose

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Q: Do they numb your gums when you get braces?
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Do you have to get numb to get braces?


Is bleeding gums normal for people who have braces?

no its not

Why Do What if your Gums Bleed If You Have Braces?

Floss on a daily basis. Bloody gums are a sign of gingivitis.

What are rubberbands in braces for?

The rubber bands in braces are to cover the wire so that it does not scratch up your gums.

Do the dentist numb your mouth before cutting anything before getting braces?

If the dentist plans to cut, yes, he will numb you. Braces can be painful at first but don't usually require anesthetic.

Why is nitinol good for braces?

its yummy nd it numbs your gums ... x

Does getting braces hurt a lot?

It depends, they puncture the braces trough your gums, and they bleed for a while, so id say yes, alot.

How do you get rid of gap teeth?

Well speak with your dentist. It is very common for them to cut your gums between your teeth and use braces.

Does it hurt when braces are insurted?

Braces are not inserted into the gums or in your teeth, they are placed on your teeth using dental glue. Your teeth or gums may feet sore for a few days to a week after placement due to the tightness of the braces. You should take some Ibuprofen or Motrin after placement and after tightening.

Does it hurt getting your tooth pulled?

No it does not hurt getting a tooth pulled because the dentist will numb your gums. The shot they use to numb you up will hurt a little bit.

Can you drink alcohol if your getting braces tomorrow?

yes you can.. I'm sixteen and i have braces and you will find it less stressful if you have alcohol in your system. The pain of braces are high, and i usually drink some alcohol when i get my braces tightend. they tend to numb the pain down.

What does it mean if your gums bleed?

This means that your gums are unhealthy and are not getting proper blood flow. You need to get them healthy by stimulating them and keeping the area around the teeth clean. Flossing is not enough... get a gum stimulator and work those gums. It could mean you have gingivitis.