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No. The legal age of majority in New York state is 18. The parents no longer have custodial rights over an 18-year-old nor are they legally or financially responsible for said person. The exception would be if there is a court order for a non custodial parent who is paying child support that stipulates otherwise. No.

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Q: Do the parents of an 18-year-old have any legal responsibilities if he or she moves out of the family home in New York?
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What are parents' legal responsibilities to adult children still living at home?

Parents do not have a legal obligation to provide for adult children who still live at home. However, parents may choose to establish guidelines or expectations for their adult children living with them, and may have legal responsibilities related to providing a safe and healthy living environment.

If a 17 year old child can legally move out from his parents home what should the parents do to be exempt from legal responsibilities of that child?

Parents can seek legal emancipation for the child, which would relieve them of financial responsibility. They can also have the child sign a formal agreement releasing them from any legal obligations. Additionally, parents can contact a family law attorney for guidance on the best course of action.

A sixteen year old daughter was kicked out and the parents are compliant to where the child is living is it legal?

{| |- | Yes it would be legal. A minor is required to live where their parents ask them to live. They can have their child live anywhere that they are safe and cared for. It does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities to the child. |}

Who has legal rights when both parents are deceased family member is dying?

God parents and other close family. Who ever they'll be best with

Can you get married at the age of 17 with a family members consent like an Aunt instead of a parents?

It has to be the legal guardian so only if your aunt is your legal guardian and not your parents. Only the legal guardian is responsible for you.

What are the legal rights of parents of emancipated minors?

There are no rights or responsibilities. The minor is now considered an adult capable of making their own decisions.

When do the legal responsibilities end for parents in NJ?

{| |- | Once the age of majority is reached, they are no longer a minor. In New Jersey, the age is 18. At that point the parents are no longer responsible for the child. |}

What are the legal responsibilities for a parent that has a child over the age of 18?

Once a child turns 18, they are considered a legal adult and parents are no longer obligated to provide financial support or make decisions on their behalf. However, parents may still have responsibilities if a court has ordered child support or if the child has a disability that requires ongoing care.

What are the legal responsibilities of parents of 18 year olds?

you legally have no responsibility for anything once ur child hits 18 years of age they are a legal adult and must deal with their own responsibilities.

How does imancipation work?

Emancipation is the legal process through which a minor can gain independence from their parents or legal guardians. This can happen through a court order or by mutual agreement with the parents. Once emancipated, the minor gains rights and responsibilities similar to those of an adult.

Is it a crime if your parents kick you out of the house when you're 18?

It is not a legal crime if parents kick out children who have attained maturity and are independent citizens with freedom in a democratic setup. It may not a social crime if the child is prodigal who makes life of his/her parents miserable. A family is a social institution with shared responsibilities & benefits .If a member of any social institution neclects his/her responsibility then he/she has no right for the benefits.