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no swans do not have teeth. i have a picture with a swans mouth open trying to bite and it clearly shows they have jagged edges on the beak that look like teeth.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

sure they do! i have the scars to prove it!

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Q: Do swans have metal teeth
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Do trumpeter swans have teath?

no, but they can do damage with their beak ADDED: They have abrasive surfaces in their beak that are sort of like teeth, but not teeth in the same sense a mammal has teeth.

Are swans carnivores herbivore or omnivore?

Swans are herbivores - feeding on reeds, algae and other plants found in or near water.

What fish do swans eat?

None they are vegetarians so they don't eat meat such as fish Swans are one of the only birds that have small serrations or 'teeth' on the inside of their beaks which enables them to catch small fish, otherwise they are herbivores

What is a swans diet?

Generally they are NOT herbivores, but unlike other birds they have small jagged 'teeth' and thus are able to catch small fish

Can beaver teeth cut through metal?

Thin sheet metal, yes.

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What type of metal would need a hacksaw blade which uses 32 teeth per inch. (t.p.i.?

A blade with those teeth is for cutting very hard metals.A blade with those teeth is for cutting very hard metal

What element is the metal part of chalk also present in bones and teeth?

The metal part of chalk, calcium, is also present in bones and teeth. Calcium is an essential mineral for the structure and strength of bones and teeth.

What does swans do?

swans hisses

Do blacksmiths pull out teeth?

No... blacksmiths work with metal....

What type of metal would need a hacksaw blade which uses 32 teeth per inch?

A blade with those teeth is for cutting very hard metals.A blade with those teeth is for cutting very hard metal