People refer to someone with a slight stutter as one who doesn't stutter very often in a short period of time. People who stutter on most of their words and who have "blocks" are severe stutterers. The nonprofit Stuttering Foundation of America is your best source for information and help for stuttering.
Many people who stutter become speech therapists so they can help others who stutter. Check out the Stuttering Foundation of America and see the list of famous people who stutter that went into various occupations.
Yes, there are people who stutter all over the world. According to the Stuttering Foundation of America, some people who are bilingual only stutter in one language.
Over 3 million people in the US stutter.
No particular pet can help stop stuttering but people who stutter do not do so when talking to their pet. Your best source for information and help for stuttering is the non-profit Stuttering Foundation of America.
You can do anything you want to do. Look at all the famous people who stutter.
Joe stutter is a name given to a music form where random stuttering is used as a form of sound. You might find this music through the Association of Vocal Technique and any society that relates also to people who stutter and teachs a means of control of stuttering through using controlled vocals.
Some people stutter because of this phobia - so the actual cause of psellismophobia is stuttering itself.
No, but they sometimes occur together, and people who stutter often develop tics when trying to get the words out. See the web site for The Stuttering Foundation for information on stuttering and tourettes. They have some in the brochure section.
Yes, there is information about him and other famous people who stuttered on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation.
Most people do not stutter/stammer all the time, so it is not normal. Find information and help from The Stuttering Foundation.
There are millions of people worldwide who stutter/stammer but it is not the normal way of speaking. The Stuttering Foundation at has information and help.