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Sicilians do not actually have the color black blood. They get the expression black blood from there ancestors being or African American orgins. So in this aspect, yes, they have black blood.

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Do sicilians have black in them?

Sicilians, like many other populations, are diverse and can have a range of genetic, historical, and cultural influences. Some Sicilians may have genetic markers associated with African heritage, given the region's history of migration and conquest. It is important to recognize the varied backgrounds and identities within the Sicilian population.

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If you could explain your question a bit clearer,I might be able to help you.What exactly do you mean: Who Are Black Italians?do you mean:Who are the band Black Italians?Can you get Black Italians?Please get back to me!I have heard Sicilians referred to as "Black Italians"

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Incorrect Sicily it Part of Italy and therefore Sicilians are also Italians.

Does Sicilians have African heritage?

Nope, unless you are referring to recent immigrants from Africa into Sicily. Ethnic Sicilians do not have any African ancestry and are the same as other Italians.

How do sicilians pronounce Licata?

Lee cah tuh

What is the nationality of a sicilian?

Sicilians are Italian,Blessed be! )O(

How do you play the Sicilians opening in chess?

1.e4 c5

What is the Sicilians crest?

You can see it by going to the related link below