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I have 4 kids I could not take the prenatals because they also made me sick I had 4 healthy babies none under 7lbs. If you are worried try taking just an over the counter multi vitamins 90% of women in the world have no access to prenatal vitamins. You have taken them for the first three months which are the most important. Women in North America and Western Europe who eat a good diet really have no need of them, it is the Third World with poor diets who really need them.

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Q: Do prenatal vitamins make you sick?
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Why do prenatal vitamins make women sick?

No prenatal vitamins make the woman sick. It is due to the hormonal changes that you feel sick.

Do they make gummy prenatal vitamins?

Yes. I just had gastric bypass surgery and my surgeon gave me a prescription for chewable prenatal vitamins. IC Prenatal 19 chewable tablet cyp

How effective are gummy prenatal vitamins compared to regular prenatal vitamins?

Gummy prenatal vitamins are just as effective as regular prenatal vitamins. They have the same vitamins and beneficial factor as a regular prenatal vitamin. Gummy prenatal vitamins are a good alternative because some regular prenatal vitamins may cause constipation.

Do prenatal vitamins help breast growth?

I'm not pregnant and in my case, yes, the prenatal vitamins did make my breasts grow larger.

Is it normal to be vomiting at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

yes its normal. I wasnt sick after the first month I was pregnant, but my mom was sick all through her pregnancy. some peoples body responds better to the pregnancy than others do. It helps to take flinstone vitamins instead of the prenatal, that's only because the prenatal gives you to much vitamin and can make you sick. so take two flinstone vitamins a day and that should make you less sick.

Can prenatal vitamins work better then birth control?

Prenatal vitamins are to make sure you have enough vitamins and minerals to support a pregnancy. Birth control is to prevent pregnancy. They have different purposes. Birth control does not support a pregnancy, and prenatal vitamins do not prevent pregnancy.

I started taking spring valley's gummy prenatal vitamins i heard it help hair and nail growthwhen taking prenatal vitamins and youre not pregnant can it throw off your cycle and make it irregular?

Prenatal vitamins such as Spring Valley's gummy prenatal vitamins can be used to help hair and nail growth. It does not throw your cycle and make it irregular if you happen to not be pregnant. In fact many gynecologists actually prefer if you take prenatal vitamins before you become pregnant in order to prepare your body for pregnancy.

Are Prenatal vitamins prescribed or over the counter?

Prenatal vitamins are available over the counter and by prescription.

Do vitamins make you sick?


Is there a a substitute vitamin for the prenatal vitamins?

No but the most important thing about the prenatal vitamins is the folic acid. You can substitute prenatal vitamins for a multi-vitamin along with a daily dose of folic acid.

Can you take prenatal vitamins while having an IUD in?

Yes, you can take prenatal vitamins while an IUD is in.

I just started taking prenatal vitamins and I didn't ovulate is this normal?

You might be pregnant... Prenatal vitamins do not affect ovulation.