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It depends on how they form. All pimples are is dead skin under your living skin. That's why pimples appear white. Most normal pimples have a white tip to them when the dead skin reaches the surface and bubbles out. "Blackheads" are like pimples, but they are a space of where dirt or other dirty substancehas entered one's skin through popping of a pimple. So, yes, pimples have white tips on them when they reach the surface of your skin.

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Q: Do pimples have a white tip on them?
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What is the white thing in pimples?

The white stuff is called pus

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Nah I tried they cant be cured overnight but I do have a 10 tip list that may reduce zits and pimples by 60%

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white-tip are eaten by flying fish

Do white head pimples leave a scar?

No, if they are white it means they are getting healthier. DO NOT pop them or they WILL leave a scar.

Is a silver-tipped shark a real shark?

There is no silver tip shark that i know of but there are two white tipped species, the white tip reef shark and the oceanic white tip.

How big are the white pimples on the male goldfish?

About the size of a small pin head.

Can crest 3d white mouthwash get rid of pimples?

yes as long as it is the white paste and does not have any stripes of different color in it.

Another word for acne?

blemishes and zits pimples black heads white heads

What are some of the most dangerous sharks?

the great white,the bull shark,tiger shark,black tip and white tip