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Yes, rabies causes dimensia and confusion. In most cases of rabies that the disease lasts long enough the victim starts to loose there mind due to fever and its likely they can get violent as do the animals that are always violent when infected

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11y ago

Sometimes, yes - individuals in the terminal phase of a rabies infection can become extremely aggressive and attempt to bite, scratch and otherwise harm those around them.

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10y ago

Yes. That is how rabies is usually tramsmitted: a bite from an infected animal.

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Q: Do people with rabies bite
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Does rabbits bite people?

No,the rabbits not bite people...Only if they have rabies(the zombies)...

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Rabies is normally transmitted by the bite of an animal infected with it

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rabies cannot be attracted it is passed on from a bite from another animal that has rabies, wild or not

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if you get bitten by a dog with rabies you might get them

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No If the bite had rabies you would know before 2 months.

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