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In lung cancer the effective surface area reduces, leading to breathlessness. Actually human lungs have lot of spare capacity. A person can lead normal life even one lung is completely removed. All the same those who are suffering from extreme condtions are likely to need home ventilator.

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Q: Do people with lung cancer often need home ventilators?
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Mechanical ventilators are used to ventilate the lungs. They can be powered by a wall outlet, a battery, or a pneumatic system. There are different types of mechanical ventilators that are used in hospitals, home settings, and in transport situations.

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Mechanical ventilators are used to ventilate the lungs. They can be powered by a wall outlet, a battery, or a pneumatic system. There are different types of mechanical ventilators that are used in hospitals, home settings, and in transport situations.

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When a person is on a ventilator can they walk around?

No, when a person is on a ventilator they are typically confined to their bed as the ventilator is a machine that helps with breathing support. Walking around would not be possible as the person is connected to the ventilator through tubing.

Why nurses come to your house to help with cancer?

To keep you in a warm, familiar enviorment. Staying calm helps people deal with the cancer. Plus, cancer takes some time to treat. Would you rather be at home or in a hospital for a few months or even years?

Your child is studying tuition in your uncle home your aunt has cancer if cancer spread to your child?

If your asking if the cancer can spread to your child, the answer is no.

When did Sally Home die?

Sally Home died in 1992 of cancer.