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Yes, they do cause considerable ammounts of gas.

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Q: Do peanuts cause gas
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Do peanuts cause acne?

The oil in them can if it gets in your skin

Can hamsters eat peanuts?

yes hamsters can eat peanuts. It is their favorite food! :)

Why are elephants poor adaptors in the environment?

cause they get paid in peanuts

Can peanuts cause food poisoning?

Not usually since they are dry and many if not all bacteria can not live on that sort of surface. You can be allergic to peanuts.

What happens if you put peanuts in a gas tank?

Any foreign objects in a gas tank will eventually clog the out take of the tank and cause the fuel pressure to drop effectively preventing the gas from reaching the engine and stalling the car. Removing them is costly since it requires removing the gas tank to drain it and clean the foreign objects out.

What can eating excessive amounts of peanuts do to your body?

I am recovering from mercury posioning and had candida with mercury posioning and doctors suggested, I not eat peanuts. Peanuts have mold and peanut products. Mold has been known to cause headaches. This is what was told to me so I do not eat peanuts anymore. Good Luck

What ingredient in peanut butter can cause salmonella?

The peanuts everything else is okay

Can peanuts cause constipation?

Yes. This can occur when there is not adequate hydration (fluid intake).

How do you use the word choke in a sentence?

Be careful when eating peanuts that you don't choke on them. Actually peanuts cause more people to choke than any other food.

Does eating peanuts cause joint pain?

Yes. It causes pain in the hands and knees.

What foods can cause swelling?

If someone is allergic to a food, like peanuts, that can cause swelling.