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According to recent studies though not provenobese children especially girls have been found to go through puberty earlier, however this causes extreme problems later in life. Along with that is large amounts of exercise can cause a delay in puberty especially once again in females.



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8y ago

everyone hits it at different ages, there is no way to make it come any faster or slower

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12y ago

Not normally, although some may say weight triggers Puberty.

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Q: Do overweight kids hit puberty faster?
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Do overweight children about 39 to 40 kg hit puberty faster?

Overweight children do tend to hit puberty earlier, but they also tend to end puberty earlier.

Do any foods help start puberty?

Chillies, beans, almonds, red meat and dates all are high sources of testosterone, and will speed up puberty.

When do kids hit hormones?

Whenever they hit puberty

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Sleeping does not affect Puberty starting.

How can eating vegetables make you hit puberty faster?

It can't. Eating healthily will be the best bet but even then it is not going to make Puberty come faster for you. Puberty will come when your body is ready and not before. It is really down to the genes you inherit from parents and grandparents that control this.

If you are thirteen and you haven't hit puberty is ther sothing wrong with you?

no because different kids experience puberty at different ages some are early bloomers while other are late

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Everyone hits puberty . Some hit it late, some are early. So, yes he will hit puberty.

How do you hit puberty faster boys naturally?

drink alot of vitamin D milk and lift some weights. if not then be really athletic.

Has your mom hit puberty?

Yes, she has. Every one has hit puberty in their lives.

Are girls attracted to guys that have'nt hit puberty?

yes, if the girl has hit puberty.

Did Zendaya Coleman hit puberty?

Yes Zendaya hit puberty last month

Can kids have babies on Sims bust in out?

Kids in the sims games have never been able to have kids, as their age is considered by most to be prepubescent. in short most consider sims children to have not hit puberty yet.