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Q: Do obese individual has a harder time gaining muscle mass than a lean individual?
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Why does an obese individual have a harder time gaining muscle mass than a lean individual?

It is important to maintain a healthy weight to live a better life. An obese person has a hard time gaining muscle because they need to get rid of most of their fat to use their muscles correctly.

Does An obese individual has a harder time gaining muscle mass than a lean individual?

I wouldn't say so. It won't show as quick or as much on someone obese opposed to someone skinny due to the layer of fat over the skin.

How might an aerobic activity be different for an individual who is thin compared to an individual who is obese?

Its harder for an obese individual to do the same aerobic activity as a different individual whos thin because they carry around extra weight thatat slows them down.

How do you die from being obese?

I know that being obese makes the heart work harder than it should. :)

During obesity how are organs damaged?

In an obese individual there is more stress on the organs. Excess fat develops a blood supply making the heart work harder. Your liver processes fats in your diet and is also working harder in an obese person. There is also visceral fat which is not the fat you see hanging over your jeans, but fat that is internal and packed around organs. Bones are considered an organ too because they are made of a form of connective tissue. Obese individuals' bones have to bear more weight.

How much would you need to weigh if you where obese and 5 ft. 1?

There are different levels of obesity used in the medical community. Obese, super obese, morbid obese. Anything past 145 for the height will put the individual in one of the categories.

Is surgery recommended for morbidly obese people in order to lose weight?

There are many cases when morbidly obese people do need surgery to lose weight. Gaining and losing weight are very hard on a person and their family.

5 ft 11 man what is overweight?

At least 230 pounds without any muscle mass is considered Overweight, and about 300 pounds with no muscle is considered Obese.

What is the BMI reading for obese?

Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher, with 40+ being morbidly obese. Since muscle mass of children does not fluctuate as much as in adults, this is usually a fairly good representation of obesity. However, there are notable exceptions and the best way to figure if a child is obese or not is to use body fat percentage calculators. There are a million if you search google. *Calculate BMI by taking the weight in kg divided by the height in meters squared. For example, 60kg/(1.5m^2).

Do you burn more calorie if you are more fit?

No. obese people have a lot more fat on them than people that are working out. So if you're working out and you're fit then you are going to lose more and look a lot skinnier than the obese person... and the obese person needs to work a lot harder then the person who's fit because they have a lot more to burn off.Alternative answer:By the fact that an obese person weighs more, and has a larger body to support, it is a logical assumption to make that an obese person 'needs' more calories to maintain the same weight.However, the amount of muscle mass a person has will also dictate how much energy is used, and this may vary substantially between obese people.

Is it harder for obese pregnant women to feel fetal movement more so than pregnant women who are pregnant and are not overweight?

it is not harder to feel the movement it just is not as harsh on your ribs and back because there is more "wiggle room" for the baby. however, it will be harder to see the movement from the outside.

What is the best test to estimate the VO2max of a severely obese individual?

Astrand-Ryhming Test (I just had this question on my final).