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Unfortunately yes. It is no different than a child growing up in an abusive household, or a child that comes from divorced parents. Children immulate adults. People don't realize that children retain a lot of memory from their very younger years. We are what we are in the environment we grow up in. If you feel this is happening to your child please seek out therapy for the child and the parents. If one of you is a narcissist and they refuse treatment then it's time to leave. Once you have decided to have children then you have the responsibility of protecting that child and giving them the best start in life you can. Good luck Marcy It's true that children of any personality disordered parent will suffer effects from that, it is not necessarily true that they themselves will develop that same (or other) personality disorder. There are so many variables involved, including other people in their environment, that one can only say that they will probably benefit from some therapy; but not that they are doomed to be their disordered parent. **** I'm an adult child of a genuinely NPD father who also happened to be my minister. I would say that there's no way for the child of a narcissist to avoid emotional problems, but personality disorders fall into the most serious classification of psychological disruption. It's far more likely that behavioral problems and neuroses will result than it is that the child will become classifiable with a borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, or other personality disorder.

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16y ago
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14y ago

I would say very young children all have a hint of Narcissism; the ability to empathise is learned (or develops) perhaps around the age of 5 or 6. That's not to say that young children are horrible - it just takes a while for one's personality to develop! This is only my opinion though.

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13y ago

I was married to one and Yes she did with me and another Husband. I supose it all depends on if they find themselves in social circumstances where children enhance their sense of self. Ultimately if you do have children with them you will end up raising them yourself and most likely they will simply walk away.. Remember, when dealing with a narcissit their self image is the most important thing in the world to them. So, if justified, Destroy it through revealing the truth and remember they have most likely scammed everyone else just as they have you .

. Also, don't give them a pass on anything, hold them to the same standard they would hold you, don't "be the bigger person unless you want them in your life periodically taking advantage of you and burdening you with their problems. these people only understand force and are used to be willing to go further than anyone else and thus get their way.. Prove that you will go further and they will run and hide because they know how their image will suffer.

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14y ago

No. They don't.

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Q: Do narcissists typically have children in their lifetimes?
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