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A narcissist would not want to lose a person that plays up their Narcissism. Like a person that constantly complimented them about their good looks, intelligence, personality, etc and admired them. I bet they would regret losing someone like this, an infatuated kiss a**.

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16y ago

No, my advise is to stop hoping they will realize everything they have lost. Move on. They are mentally ill.

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Q: Do narcissists ever regret a partner leaving them?
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To regret is to wish that something didn't ever happen,to put it as simply as possible.

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I don't think that he did because when they split up, it was time for all of them to move on, so they didn't want to go back. The only regret that John ever expressed was that their fans never got to hear them at their best - he believed that their days playing clubs were the best days.MP

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You will regret it for ever!

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Always. Narcissists never admit to being wrong - even when they are.

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Absolutely! Did you ever hear of liquid courage? This is a double wammy!

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If you think that your partner is bad, speak to them. As you said, are you the worst partner ever, I got a bit worried as you obviously think that I am your partner which is obviously not true. I would visit and doctor as I have not got a partner!

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A veces me arrepiento nunca haberte conocido (I think this means 'Sometimes I regret NEVER having met you'; and the question saying '....EVER....', you would use the same sentence minus 'nunca', since the meaning is 'Sometimes I regret having met you', the 'ever' merely a reinforcer).

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Unless there's something in it for THEM - no, never.When it suits them. Not otherwise. See the link below.

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