No, erectile dysfunction specifically refers to difficulties with achieving or maintaining an erection in men. Women can experience sexual dysfunction, but it is not the same as erectile dysfunction. They may have difficulty with arousal or achieving orgasm, but not specifically related to achieving hardness.
ED may mean emergency department or erectile dysfunction, depending on the context.Emergency Department.It can also mean Erectile Dysfunction.
The Alt Medicine site and WebMD contain information about Erectile Dysfunction supplements, as do commercial sites such as those for Cialis and Viagra.
Vidalista is used to treat erectile dysfunction
Well, I think you're talking about Erectile Dysfunction medication... pills like Viagra are Erectile Dysfunction pills, and you can get them from your doctor.
You can find symptoms to erectile dysfunction in a number of places. WebMD is a good place to start, since they tend to have good overviews of medical conditions.
Medication (sildenafil citrate [Viagra]) is useful for some men with erectile dysfunction. The medication must be prescribed and monitored by a physician.
You rightly said, they are scams. No external device permanently cures erectile dysfunction or increases size of penis.
Cialis and Viagra have shown a very successful transition back into sex for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Ive tried them and can attest to their effectiveness.
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is an inability to get an erection that is good enough to achieve intercourse. The severity of erectile dysfunction can vary from complete lack of erection, to a partial erection that is not enough to penetrate your partner or is lost soon after you penetrate. Although erectile dysfunction is typically more common among older men, it can occur at any age. Erectile dysfunction can cause male infertility because it interrupts or prevents intercourse. In order to conceive a child, sperm must be delivered to your partner's egg during intercourse. Thus, problems that prevent or interrupt intercourse, cause the inability to deliver sperm to the egg and lead to infertility. Having an erectile dysfunction does not mean you are infertile.
Ed erectile dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction