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No, not every woman will experience morning sickness during pregnancy. About 75% of pregnant women have morning sickness at sometime during their pregnancy. The good thing is, obviously, you won't be sick. The bad thing is that it may be harder for you to notice your symptoms of pregnancy if you are not planning it.

Here is advice and input:

  • I'm pregnant and besides getting violently ill once for a few minutes, I have not been sick. My first doctor's visit will be next week. And, I hope eveything' is fine.
  • Some people don't get morning sickness at all. I know people who don't. Those people are extremely lucky.
  • Not everyone has specific pregnancy symptoms. Morning sickness is a common one that many women experience.

No. It is a very common condition for women who are pregnant, but some don't even experience "morning sickness". Some women have it early in the pregnancy, for others it is late or in the middle, and in a few women it lasts the entire 9 months. I, however, am one of the lucky ones, I am 14 weeks pregnant with no morning sickness at all.

At least one fourth of all pregnancies do not involve morning sickness. Approximately 50 to 75 % of pregnant women experience a period in early pregnancy with nausea, and about 30% also experience vomiting.

Some studies have shown that you are more likely to have morning sickness if:

  • You have a history of migraines.
  • You had nausea and vomiting in a prior pregnancy.
  • You have a medical history of negative side effects of nausea and vomiting from trying Birth Control pills. Some women have this response to higher estrogen levels.
  • You tend to have motion sickness.
  • If your mother or sisters have had morning sickness, there are studies to suggest that there is higher chance you will, due to a genetic predisposition.
  • One study found that you are 50% more likely to have morning sickness with severe nausea and vomiting if your baby is a girl.
  • You have twins or other multiples. There are higher levels of pregnancy hormones in your system when carrying twins, which also can make it so the symptoms are worse than average in some women. But it is not universal, some mothers of twins have no nausea or vomiting at all.

Everyone is different. Some people don't experience sickness at all. Some people do all day, everyday. Some people only every once in a while. In fact some people have no symptoms at all.

Of course every woman is different, some may experience no morning sickness at all, whereas others will experience it all the way through their pregnancy.

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10y ago
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10y ago

No, not all women get morning sickness. The symptoms of pregnancy are different with each and every person. I had morning sickness with all of my pregnancy's but my mom didn't have morning sickness with any of hers. So you may or may not experience it. Every woman's body is different and some can't handle the changes in hormone levels which causes pregnant women to feel sick. Other women can take to the changes very well and hardly have any problems with their pregnancy.
No. Morning sickness is quite common, but not universal.

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13y ago

No. Some women have it right from around 2 weeks after sex, some women have it all the way through pregnancy, some women only have it for a couple of weeks, some women don't experience it until the end of pregnancy and some women never get it. Just like every woman's body is different, the pregnancy symptoms they experience are also different and so some women never get morning sickness

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15y ago

75% of prenant women get morning sickness during early pregnancy.

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6y ago

No, some people have it very badly and others (about 25%) not at all.

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12y ago

A lot of women do experience morning sickness which is basically feeling nauseated. Don't let the name fool you its not just in the morning, it can happen anytime of the day.

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Q: Do most women have morning sickness?
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Yes, Morning sickness can occur any time of the day. It is just called morning sickness, because most women generally get it in the morning.

What percent of pregnant women don't have morning sickness?

Approximately 75% of pregnant women have some degree of morning sickness in early pregnancy.

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no i didn't only when if you get morning sickness

How is morning sickness diagnosed?

Because it is such a common occurrence, morning sickness is easily diagnosed in pregnant women.

Do men get morning sickness when women are pregnant?

They can. It's something to do with sympathy pains and sympathy morning sickness. Funny, but true.

When does morning sickness start after conception?

Around 2-4 weeks after conception but sometimes longer. Not every women has morning sickness.

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No that is an illness suffered by pregnant women.

When did a pregnant suffers a morning sickness?

As a pregnant woman myself, I began suffering morning sickness at the end of my sixth week and it is just now beginning to subside in my tenth week. Most pregnant women with morning sickness only suffer the symptoms up to their twelfth week, and usually never beyond that.

Why do some women get morning sickness when others don't?

women get morning sickness because there hormones are changing.

How many months during pregnancy does morning sickness usually last?

It depends on the woman. For most women morning sickness will stop around the 12th-14th week of pregnancy. For other they may experience it a shorter or longer time. Some women have it thought their whole pregnancy.

What portion of pregnant women develop morning sickness?

Approximately 75% do.

Do you have to have morning sickness to know that you're pregnant?

No. Some women never experience morning sickness. If you suspect you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test to be sure.