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It forms a net-like lattice.

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Q: Do monocots have netlike vein
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What type of vein patterns do monocots have?

the veins are parallel to each other

What structural characteristics differ between Eudicots and Monocots?

· Eudicots have two cotyledons; monocots have one cotyledon · Eudicots flower parts in four or parts; monocots flower parts in three. · Eudicots leaf veins are netlike array; monocots leaf veins run parallel · Eudicots pollen grains with three pores; monocots pollen grains with one pore

Are dwarf pea plants monocots or dicots?

They are dicots for sure, no doubt about it. They have vascular bundles that are arranged in a circle within the stem and have leaves with veins that are arranged in a netlike pattern. These are characteristics of dicots and thus Dwarf pea plants fit this classification.

Lillies orchids and grasses are examples of what kind of plants?

Monocots Monocots

Are dates monocots or dicots?

dates are monocots

Do Grapevines have parallel leaf veins?

A grapevine has netted veins.

What is the important of the monocots?

There are about 60,000 species of monocots. In agriculture the largest portion of biomass is produced by monocots such as grasses, grains, and sugar cane. I guess the importance of the monocots is that they feed the world.

what are sepals called in monocots?

Sepals in monocots are called perianth

Are onions dicots or monocots?

All onions are monocots.

Do mocots and dicots look different?

Yes, monocots and dicots look different in terms of their seed structure, leaf vein arrangement, and flower parts. Monocots typically have one cotyledon (seed leaf), parallel leaf venation, and flower parts in multiples of three; while dicots usually have two cotyledons, netted leaf venation, and flower parts in multiples of four or five.

Are C3 plants monocots or diacots?

C3 plants belong to both monocots and dicots. The C3 pathway refers to the type of photosynthesis certain plants use, and it is not exclusive to a specific group of plants based on their classification as monocots or dicots.

What is the root structure of monocots?

Most monocotyledon plants such as grass and onions have fibrous foot systems. The actual root structure differs from the dicots. Monocots tend to have parallel vein systems in their stems. [A rare few monocots such as Cordyline australis also develop a substantial tap root. A NZ Cordyline of 1m tall, will have a tap root of 250 - 300 mm long and 30 - 40 mm dia. Used as a food source by the Maori. Again, this plant increases its trunk diameter, unlike most of the family.]