The enzyme present in the stomach is pepsin. It breaks down the proteins in food while in your stomach and helps with the digestive process.
Acid breaks down the food in the stomach. Pepsin is the enzyme that breaks down the proteins from the food, in the stomach. Highly acidic pH helps to break down the food.
The stomach primarily secretes the enzyme pepsin, which is a type of protease, which breaks down proteins.
the unscientific name for the enzyme that breaks down alcohol in your body
Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach. It is produced in the stomach and is essential for the digestion of food.
Protease enzymes break down peptides by cleaving peptide bonds between amino acids. One example of a protease enzyme is pepsin, which breaks down proteins in the stomach.
Alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme that breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde. It keeps you from dying of alcohol poisoning.
Yes, pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids.
Yes, pepsin is a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach.
Pepsin, an enzyme in the stomach, primarily digests proteins into smaller peptides.
Gastric protrease is produced by the walls of the stomach. It breaks down proteins to amino acids in the stomach (a highly acidic place).
The liver is the organ in the body that breaks down alcohol, not a specific organelle within a cell. The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver helps convert alcohol into acetaldehyde, which is then further broken down into non-toxic substances.