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Yes. A whale is a mammal. Mammals have lungs.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Yes. Of Course!

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Do elephants have gills or lungs?
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Do elephants breath with lungs or gills?

Elephants breathe with lungs.Most land animals breathe with lungs.All mammals breathe with lungs.All reptiles breathe with lungs .All birds breathe with lungs.Some amphibians breathe with lungs, while some do not.Only fish and marine crustaceans breathe with gills.

Fish have this instead of lungs?

Fish Use Gills Instead of lungs. Gills Help fish to Breath. Fish Use Gills Instead of lungs. Gills Help fish to Breath.

What has lungs and gills?

The lungfish has both gills and lungs.

How many lungs does a goldfish have?

Goldfish do not have lungs. Sorry but they have gills. =) Goldfishes do not have lungs. They have GILLS.

Do crabs have book lungs?

Absolutely. Everything that breathes air has lungs.

Do monotremes have lungs or gills?

Monotremes are mammals; therefore they have lungs, not gills.

Do amphibians breathe lungs or gills?

A amphibian has neither lungs or gills

How do anteaters breth gills or lungs?

how do anteaters breth gills or lungs

Do fish breathe with lungs or gills?


Do octopus have lungs or gills?

Octopuses have gills, not lungs. They use their gills to extract oxygen from water, allowing them to breathe underwater.

Do sirens have lungs or gills?

They have gills.

Do you cephalopods have gills or lungs?

They have gills.