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No, you see, the body will renew its blood cells as the blood cells get older or used up. That is why people can donate their blood to the Red Cross. The body makes new blood cells to replace them.

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Q: Do elderly people have older blood?
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At one time doctors transfused blood from the younger people into the elderly because they thought that will give them more energy. Do elderly have older blood?

Yes, older individuals do not have "older" blood per se; however, as we age, certain changes in the composition and function of blood components may occur. Transfusing blood from younger donors into older individuals was thought to potentially provide benefits such as improved energy levels, but this practice is not supported by scientific evidence and can pose risks.

What type of noun is elderly?

"Elderly" is an adjective that describes older people.

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The elderly people have now also got older bones, so they are weak and can break easily.

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because as they get older their eyes get weak

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Blood veins have valves that prevent blood from flowing backwards.

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Seniors, elderly individuals, older adults, or seniors citizens.

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Elderly people usually use a blood pressure device to maintain and check on their blood pressure levels. They also go through an alcohol screening instrument.

Is elderly a bad word?

No, "elderly" is not a bad word. It is a common term to describe older people in a respectful and non-discriminatory way.

Do older people have older blood?

No. Blood is always multiplying and getting rid of the old cells

What has the author F C Powell written?

F. C. Powell has written: 'Social conditions of Nebraska's elderly, 1994' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Older people 'A comparative study of elderly in the state of Nebraska' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Older African Americans, Older people

What is the difference between older and younger peoples blood pressure?

Basic Difference younger people blood pressure- High. older people blood pressure -Low.

Does older people have a faster heartbeat and pulse rate after a brisk walk?

This isn't a general rule. Older people may have a slower pulse rate than younger ones, if they follow a fitness program. Older people is different of elderly people.