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Eggs don't normally give people gas. However, sometimes people's digestive tracts do not react too well to eggs and create more gas than normal. But if your digestive system works normally, eating eggs should not give you too much of a problem.

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Q: Do eggs cause gas
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What would cause the air in a cave to smell like rotten eggs?

The presence of hydrogen sulfide gas in the cave can cause it to smell like rotten eggs. This gas is produced by the decay of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It can be toxic in high concentrations.

Why do boiled eggs give you gas and fried eggs don't?

Sometimes, but even if they are not the cause of flatulence, they sure can make it stinky. (As well as any kind of eggs, and sometimes beans and cheese can too)

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Reptiles have hard-shelled eggs because the shell provides protection and support for the developing embryo. It allows for gas exchange with the environment and prevents the egg from drying out. This adaptation is key for reptiles, as they lay their eggs outside of their bodies.

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I don't think that any of these peas cause gas. Gas is natural but somethings do cause gas but Im not sure that any of these peas cause gas.

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Usually gas smels like rotten eggs when the gas is too rich with additivies.

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no, the boil eggs do not chicken pox.No

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Do peanuts cause gas?

Yes, they do cause considerable ammounts of gas.

Does pudding cause gas?

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Why eggs make you get gas?

Eggs contain a high amount of sulfur, which can lead to the production of hydrogen sulfide gas in the intestines when broken down by gut bacteria. Some individuals may be more sensitive to this gas, leading to symptoms of gas and bloating after consuming eggs.

Does diet 7up cause gas?

Any carbonated beverage will cause gas.