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yes they deplete it.

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Q: Do depressants and alcohol effect serotonin levels?
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Alcohol and barbiturates are both depressants. A depressant is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels in various areas of the brain.

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Hydroxyzine decreases serotonin levels as it a serotonin antagonist.

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The dopamine levels usually increase when taking alcohol and decreases after you stop taking alcohol.

Can flagyl and ecstasy drug be dangerous?

I wouldn't mix them. I read that Flagyl does react your serotonin levels..... You get serotonin syndrome, then yes you could die.. Best not to mess with drugs that have SSRI effect or effects serotonin while taking MDMA.

What are normal serotonin levels?

There still exist no known norms for serotonin levels, as these vary widely among individuals.

Do people with panic attacks have low serotonin levels?

Perhaps, but many patients with panic disorder are found to have a decrease in the number of receptors that serotonin binds to. The effect is equal to having a low serotonin level. I am a medical student currently doing research in this area.

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How does alcohol affect serotonin in the brain?

This is an incredibly broad question. The basic theory is that many drugs force there to be an excess of serotonin in the synapse of a neuron, by either stopping the re-uptake of it (antidepressants) or by other complex actions (amphetamines). The addicts nervous system begins to take note of this and not produce/release as much serotonin, this leads to a state of low level endogenous serotonin production, thus leading to withdrawal and craving. By taking said drug again, the patient is able to feel normal again. It should be noted that this is an extremely simple explanation of this, and that addiction is a VERY complex topic.. Dr. Dan

How can serotonin be tested?

Serum serotonin levels can be obtained (as ordered by a physician or nurse practitioner or physician assistant). However, serum serotonin levels do not possess much utililty since they vary widely - some people having low levels despite being on significant doses of setonergic medications, and other people have high levels despite being on very low doses.

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