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No. All cumin seeds contain is cumin.

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Q: Do cumin seeds contain gluten
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No, they're gluten free.

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Does mustard contain gluten?

No, mustard flour is just ground up mustard seeds. It's gluten-free.

What you say cumin seeds in Hindi?

Cumin seeds are also known as 'Jeera' in Hindi.

What do you call cumin seeds in Hindi?

Cumin seeds are also known as 'Jeera' in Hindi.

Can you smoke cummin seed?

No, it is not recommended to smoke cumin seeds. Inhaling the smoke from burning cumin seeds can be harmful to your lungs and overall health. Cumin seeds are meant to be used as a spice in cooking, not for smoking.

Is ground cumin a lipid?

Lipid is about 14.5% of dry cumin seeds.

Are radish seeds gluten free?

Yes. There is no gluten in seeds.

Can cats eat cumin seeds?

Yes. Cats CAN eat many things that they should not necessarily eat. Cumin seeds is a great example. Cumin seeds can give your cat digestion and messy elimination issues.

What is black cumin?

Black cumin is a spice plant with aromatic seeds, Latin name Nigella sativa, or a spice plant related to cumin with dark seeds and an edible root.

Where can you see an image that shows the difference between caraway seeds and cumin seeds?

You can search for images of both caraway seeds and cumin seeds on the internet, or check in a botany or herb identification book. The main differences between the seeds are that caraway seeds are slightly curved with ridges, while cumin seeds are elongated and have a ridged surface.

Are sesame seeds gluten free?

They may contain traces depending on what brand but otherwise no.