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Sort of. They only see a shade of gray, black, or white.

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Q: Do color blind people know if there skin is white or black?
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Are dreams really in black and white and you think their in color or are they in color?

No. but blind people are said to see in black and white

Are gray and white tabbies color blind?

actually all cats and dogs are color blind. they only see black and white

When you're blind what color do you see People always say black but is it really that way White is the color of nothing. My three year old sister is completely blind so I was just wondering.?

Because no light is entering the eye one can assume that what blind people "see" is totally black.

Why are people colour blind?

black and white

What color cane to blind people use?


Is a Maltese color blind?

Not all puppies are color blind , but there are types of breeds that are naturally colorblind.

Can the color black actually be white?

No, black cannot be white. Black and white are opposite colors on the color spectrum. Black is the absence of color, while white is a combination of all colors.

Do color blind people see black and white only?

No. Some may but most can see color, they just get certain colors mixed up

Do hamsters see full colour or just black and white?

Hamsters see in black in white because they do not have a cornia in there eyes. Do not put them in sunlight they will be blind. Color blind are hamsters.

Do hamsters only see black and white?

Yes. Of course their color blind.

How can you describe the color white to blind person?

You can use tints and shades of gray to describe White. Using black to shade and white to tint. Since black and white are neutrals and not colors, you can use them to describe the color white.

What is the meaning of being color blind?

That you only see white and black and grays, no colors.