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Green and blue are calming colors that can relieve stress.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

the color that represents stress is brown

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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Q: Do certain colors induce stress
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The stress you induce on the beam is equal to weight hanging on the beam. The answer for the where part of the question is in the question. You said it yourself; you hang the weight from the center of the beam, therefore the stress of the weight will be in the center of the beam.

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I'm pretty sure that is is color blindness to certain colors which makes it so you can only see certain colors.

Can stress be measured?

yes, in fact it can. There is a certain type of material that changes color according to pressure. If you take on and hold while your stressed, without knowing you will put pressure on it, causing to change color. Different colors indicate higher or lower levels of stress.

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There are no official colors of Buddhism. However, certain traditions of Buddhist practitioners have adopted certain colors. .

Can fibroids induce or diminish certain pregnancy symptoms?

Hi, I haven't heard of Fibroids doing this before.

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