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Depending on what caused their blindness and how much damage was caused, yes. Injuries such as detached retinas and conditions like cataracts can cause blindness, but are sometimes reversible through surgery. Diseases like glaucoma can also cause blindness, but be treated with some medications.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Yes. Because the eye needs to stay moist and it's an involuntary movement.

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7y ago

yes, people can still have some degree of sight but still be registerd blind
no obviously not that's such a bum question to ask!how bum can a person get ya.......come idiot!

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15y ago

No they don't. Blind people and sighted people blink pretty much the same.

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13y ago

no they do not if they would there eyes would get dry

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12y ago

Yes, blind people do have pupils. However, their eyes may react to light differently.

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13y ago

yes they can blink

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Deanna Warman

Lvl 1
3y ago
Wink not blink reread the q

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14y ago

Yes because the eyes have to stay moist

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Q: Do blind people blink as often as sighted people?
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How often should a blind blink?

Generally, a blind person blinks for the same reason a sighted person blinks. We blink to maintain the moisture in our eyes. They're at the same rate.

Why do blind kids move their heads from side to side?

Blind children may move their heads from side to side as a way to explore their environment and gather information from sounds. This movement helps them to better localize and identify objects or people around them through auditory cues.

How often do people blink?

like 30 to 32 times a miniute

When you blink does your heart stops?

No... fortunately as we blink so often!

Do blind people care if they date ugly people?

I am not a blind person although I do have some blind friends, so I have some insight into the psychology of the blind. Blind people, much like sighted people, are not all the same, and do not all have the same criteria for dating. Some blind people would be quite happy to date someone who is ugly but friendly and who has shared interests (for example, science fiction fans often like to date or marry other science fiction fans). But appearance can still matter. A blind person may wish to have children, and if so, he or she would normally prefer that his or her children will be good looking. So the appearance of a spouse, which will be part of the genetic inheritance of the children, will still matter, even if the blind person never actually sees that appearance. How would a blind person know what is ugly, and what isn't? I don't think they would care too much since they can't tell who is attractive, and who isn't.

What disability is presumed about Homer?

it is presumed that homers dissabillity is that he might be blind but people often said that poets where blind anyway

Why do people say blind as a bat?

Well as people think bats are blind because they often bump into people they acually see better than people. As people thinking bats were blind for many years people used the phrase even after science proofed bats weren't blind! They told it to people who were clumsy or needed glasses!

Why cats does not blink as often as humans?

Unlike humans, cats have more effecient tear glands and ducts. Also, they need to see much more when they're hunting, and so they don't blink. They blink about every five minutes.

Where is bigfoot a lot?

It is often found in the pacific northwest.It's cousin the skunk ape is often sighted in Florida.

Do some people blink more than others?

Well, first their eyes might need to blink more so they don't get dry, or it could be Tourette's Syndrome. They often will shrug too often, get tics, and cough too often. If you are having any of these symptoms you may want to get this checked out. Hope i could help

How do you use concave lens in a sentence?

A concave lens is thinner at the centre. People who are short sighted often use a concave lens to help them see better.

How often are unicorns sighted today?

Considering that they don't exist, they are never signted.