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Yes, definitely. Just like anyone else.

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Q: Do autistic people have a conscience with guilty feeling?
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Why do you feel guilty flirting with other people around them?

Conscience pricks when all other parts enjoy.

Why do people confess?

People may confess for reasons such as feeling guilty, seeking forgiveness, wanting to take responsibility for their actions, or hoping to alleviate their conscience. External factors such as pressure from law enforcement or the promise of leniency in sentencing can also play a role in prompting confessions.

How do you get autistic spectrum?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition, autistic people are born autistic - we do not know why people are autistic.

Can a nornal child turn into autistic child?

Firstly, it's offensive for you to imply that autistic people are abnormal - autistic people are different to neurotypical people, not less than. A person is born autistic, it is not something that happens to 'normal' people or something that you turn into, you are always autistic.

Are all autistic children saviants?

No, not all Autistic children are savants. Many Savants are Autistic, but most Autistic people are as normal as Neurotypical people with no particularly special talents.

Do all autistic people lack a sense of humor?

No, not all autistic people lack a sense of humour. There is a saying in the autism community: once you've met one autistic've met one autistic person. autistic people are as different and varied as neurotypical people.

Does autism have a required diet?

No, autism doesn't have a required diet. However autistic people are up to six times more likely to suffer digestive problems so some autistic people may have specififc dietary requirements and changes to diet can ease some autism symptoms. Some autistic people also have sensory issues which makes some food uncomfortable to deal with, for example some autistic people may be especially sensitive to the sound and feeling of crunchy foods.

Would Employers hire an Autistic?

Employers do hire Autistic people, however normally when they do they don't realize that the person is Autistic. There is a lot of prejudice against Autistic people so even in areas where there are discrimination laws in place Autistic people often cannot find work, Autistic people normally have to hide their Autism from employers to avoid facing discrimination.

Do all autism people act the same?

No, not all autistic people act the same - autistic people are as different and varied as neurotypical people. Like with neurotypical people all autistic people will share common traits, but once you meet one autistic person then you've met one autistic person...we're all very different.

Why does your autistic child not answer to his name?

Your autistic child may not recognise their name as their name. Many autistic people are disconnected from how they are percieved by others, not all Autistic people accept the name given to them as representitive of them.

When did tony hawk get autism?

Autistic people don't 'get' autism, Autistic people are born Autistic just like people are born African-American or born male/female. Tony Hawk thus was born Autistic, he became Autistic while he was still developing in his mothers womb.

Are people with autism crazy?

No, autistic people are not 'crazy'. Many autistic people can have mental health issues but they're no more likely to have mental health issues than anyone else and often mental health issues in autistic people is more to do with how society treats autistic people - e.g. depression is more likely in autistic people who are bullied or face discrimination.