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Q: Do amino acids cause upset stomach?
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Related questions

Why do they say to stir the bubbles out of coca cola before giving it for upset stomach?

Because the bubbles will cause gas, induce vomiting, or increase stomach acids.

Can basil cause diarrhea or upset stomach?

From past experiences it has almost always upset my stomach in a bad way.

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Why do they say that sprite helps your stomach if you have a stomach ach?

The citrus acids combine with the stomach acids and calm them down while the bubbliness makes you feel good. The carbonation (bubliness) is very comforting to you stomach when upset and can act as a pain reliever.

Can exercise cause upset stomach?

it depends, if you work TOO hard you will get an upset stomach, along with if you are really dehydrated you may feel nauseas...

Can fibromyalgia lead to stomach upset?

In most cases, patients with fibromyalgia are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. It is those drugs that cause the stomach upset.

Can an upset stomach cause a false positive drug test?


Can cold milk upset a baby's stomach?

Yes, cold milk can potentially upset a baby's stomach as it may cause discomfort or digestive issues. It is generally recommended to feed babies milk at a lukewarm temperature to avoid any potential stomach upset.

What could cause upset stomach and a taste like iron?

eating an iron

What can cause a nervous or upset stomach everyday?

eating too much or stress

Is the allamanda flower poisonous?

The sap can cause skin irritations and the plant can cause stomach upset if ingested