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Yes! Everyone is different, although many girls experience a discharge before their period some girls don't experience any! This is quite normal. If you're worried about it then you could ask your GP!

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Yes, Its really heavy. It would almost be a dark yellow color.

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12y ago

Yes, it is your body's sign telling you that you'll get you first period in 6 mOnths to one year. ( also cleaning out your vag)

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Q: Do all young girls get discharge before their period?
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Why im having a brown discharge before im having my period?

Sometimes you can have some slight spotting(spots or discharge) before the period comes. It can look brown or red or maybe even a creme colur, but it is nothing to worry about.its very normal at a young lady's age

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How long before your period after discharge?

I am not sure what you mean by discharge. When a woman speaks about discharge, she usually means cervical mucus that the vagina constantly produces. This mucus protects the vagina (and uterus) from germs and diseases. The discharge will change over the course of her menstrual cycle, changing colour and texture when she is fertile (around ovulation). If you are young and haven't had your period, you should still be producing cervical mucus to keep your vagina moist and free of bacteria and germs that could cause infections. Just because you are producing mucus, it is not indicative that your periods are about to start. When your period starts is due to genetic factors and diet. Ask you mum or sisters when they started their period as a indicator of when you period will start. It is also shown that starting your period is linked to your weight. Larger girls will start earlier than skinny girls as you need to have reached a certain amount of body fat before your body thinks it is able to support a pregnancy.

What are discharges?

Discharge is when this white gooey sticky stuff comes out of the women's vagina and out of young ones though if it comes out of young ones its a sign that their period will be starting soon.

When will nine year old get her period?

Most young girls generally get their first period when they're 11+ years old.

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Why do you have a brown discharge?

That probably IS your period, the blood isn't usually red... It often comes out in the form of a brownish discharge, especially if you're young or on birth control.

Does discharge come at a young age?

Yes. It's completely normal, too. It is usually a sign that you're going to get your period soon.....the first time.

Is brown slimy discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Brown discharge is usually a indication of blood in the discharge. If you had sex around 8-14 days ago then this could be implantation bleeding. If your due a period in the next few days it could be pre-period discharge. If your itching and the discharge smell it is a yeast infection which you need some fungal cream for.

Miss period brown discharge what does that mean?

The brown discharge actually could be part of your period. If you are only a few days from a missed period my guess is you will start any day now ( if you haven't all ready). If you are young and just starting your period it may take a year or so for it to settle down to a regular cycle and periods also can be delayed by stress or if you have been sick.

What is the menstrual period?

It's what girls get every month - bleeding for 5 to 7 days. Some girls may start as young as 10 or as old as 17!

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