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Q: Do all woman get brown nipples when they are pregnant?
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Can your puppy have nipples and not be pregnant?

Yes it can. All dogs have nipples, even the males.

Do all the nipples have to be enlarged if the dog is pregnant?


If you have irregular periods and for like the past week and a half you have had really sensitive nipples and slight cramps and gassy could you be pregnant?

No. If you have your period, then you aren't pregnant. All of those are symptoms of a woman's period.

Is Chris Brown pregnant at all?

No, Chris Brown is not pregnant.

Not pregnant why does my nipples stay hard all the time?

Because you're horny?

Is Chris Brown a woman?

Chris Brown is not and will never be a woman, he is all man.

Why do pregnant women's nipples hurt?

well it depends.... if the females nipples hurt, that means the breasts are maybe sweling for breast milk flow, or they are uncomfotable. Not all pregnate women have their nipples hurt....

Your cat has swollen nipples but has a piercing meow all the time is she pregnant?

She may be pregnaant, if not, in heat.

Do cats nipples always get pink when pregnant?

No, not all cats' nipples will become pink when pregnant. The color change in a cat's nipples can be influenced by various factors such as their individual pigmentation and the stage of pregnancy. Some cats may show a pink coloration in their nipples, while others may not have a noticeable change.

Can a woman who has never menstruated be pregnant?

Not at all

Should a womans nipples go in?

There is no right or wrong way for a woman's nipples to be. Nipples come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and all are normal and natural. It is important for individuals to embrace and accept their bodies as they are.

Does pregnancy hormones end relationships?

It could if you become the pregnant woman of all pregnant women. The Bridezilla of pregnant