No, they do not, but tapeworms ARE dangerous, but not REALLY serious. If they were, we all would feel sick in the stomach. Though we all do get occasional bellyaches, that doesn't mean you have tapeworms.
No. tapeworms are pest to humans.
Humans get tapeworms from dogs when they jump from hosts (the dog) to us (the humans) and for more information please check out this site. Also from eating some meats from animals that may have had it and not cooking it enough to kill and get rid of them!!
Yes for humans but No for Vampires
Yes, Tapeworms are gutless due to the fact that tapeworms don't require a digestive system as they reside within the digestive system of humans or animals.
Tapeworms are all in the class Cestoda, which includes fourteen separate orders. Of the tapeworms that most commonly infect humans, Taenia solium, T. saginata and Hymenolepis nana are in the order Cyclophyllidea, and Diphyllobothrium latum is in the order Pseudophyllidea.
you eat the guts out of them then eat them full
Humans can get tapeworms living inside their intestines.
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Yes, tapeworms can cause weight gain in humans by absorbing nutrients from the host's digestive system, leading to increased appetite and potential weight gain.
yes, they can grow inside humans intestines.