

Do Canavan disease sufferers have retardation?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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7y ago

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Children with Canavan disease are mentally retarded and most will never be able to sit, stand, walk or talk, although they may learn to laugh and smile and reach for objects.

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Who is Canavan disease named for?

Canavan disease is named after Dr. Myrtelle Canavan

Who was the founder of the canavan disease?

Dr. Myrtelle Canavan

What is Canavan disease also called?

Canavan disease is also called aspartoacylase deficiency

When was Canavan disease named?

It was not until 1949, that Canavan disease was recognized as a unique genetic disease by Van Bogaert and Betrand

Does Canavan disease cause blindness?

Some people with Canavan disease may eventually become blind

Do people with Canavan disease have large heads?

People with Canavan disease typically have disproportionately large heads

How can carriers of Canavan disease be found?

DNA testing is the only means of identifying carriers of Canavan disease

How does canavan disease affect the body?

mental retardation, loss of previously acquired motor skills, feeding difficulties, abnormal muscle tone, paralysis, blindness, or seizures may occur.

Is canavan disease dominant or ressesive?

I was doing a presentation on Canavan Disease and had a lot of trouble finding wether it was dominant or recessive. I found the answer and thought i should make it easier for others. Canavan Disease is recessive

Do infants with Canavan disease appear normal?

Most infants with Canavan disease appear normal for the first month of life

Do people from Saudia Arabia have Canavan disease?

People of Saudi Arabian descent also have a relatively high risk of Canavan disease

Why was Dr. Myrtelle Canavan given a disease?

The credit went to Dr. Canavan because his initial description of the disease dominated the medical literature