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Q: Do Blood flow to the skeletal muscles increases with exercise?
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What molecule increases in the blood during exercise?

During exercise our blood circulation speed increases. It effect in amino acid and a molecule ATP which causes muscles to increase strength.

How does blood flow to the capillaries controlled with respect to meeting the bodies needs?

Examples: after a meal, blood supply to the digestive tract increases. During strenuous exercise, blood is diverted from the digestive tract and supplied more generously to skeletal muscles and skin.

Would skeletal muscles experience a decreased blood flow during exercise?

I could be wrong but, I think it would decrease your blood flow

What effect does exercise have on heart rate?

Exercise increases the heart rate, because the blood has to supply additional oxygen to the muscles.

Why does blood pressure increase during exercise?

As we exercise, we use our muscles. Our muscles need oxygen to function. Therefore, the more we exercise, or the harder we exercise, the more oxygen we need. In order for our muscles to get that extra oxygen, we need to breathe more. The oxygen then enters our blood and our hearts beat stronger and faster in order for the oxygen to reach the muscles as quickly as possible, thus why our blood pressure increases.

What happens to the cardiovascular system immediately during exercise?

the heart increases in rythm and pumps more blood to the muscles

What Body tissues work when you exercise?

muscles get tired, reaction is slowed up and circulation of the blood increases

What tissues have the greatest change in blood flow during exercise?

During exercise the trained body learns to redistribute blood from less active tissues like the digestive organs & kidneys to the heart & skeletal muscles.

What kind of blood vessels are helped by contraction of skeletal muscles?

Both veins and arteries. The contracting muscles on all sides of the vessels squeeze the blood along in the dire tion it is travelling, either away from (arteries) or back to (veins) the heart. This helps the heart so that it doesn't have to do all the hard work itself. In other words exercise is good for your heart. Medicine calls it the skeletal muscle pump.

Why does blood flow to the gut and liver increases during strenuous exercise?

Because the blood is diverted to the working muscles instead, as they need the more blood in order to provide oxygen for aerobic respiration

What type of exercise is running?

Running is cardiovascular exercise, because it increases the rate at which the heart pumps blood through your body to supply your muscles with oxygen during their contractions.

How do skeletal muscles help blood move in veins?

because of the blood muscles that push the heriastic pulley. the move the blood through the veins and arteries.