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the heimlich maneuver is performed to remove an object logged in a persons air way. CPR is performed when the person is not breathing, and not responding

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Q: Different between heimlich maneuver and CPR?
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Similarities between heimlich maneuver and CPR?

The Heimlich maneuver and CPR are both first aid techniques used to save someone experiencing a life-threatening emergency. They both involve chest compressions, but the Heimlich maneuver focuses on clearing a blocked airway caused by choking, while CPR is used to restore blood circulation and breathing in someone whose heart has stopped. Both techniques require proper training for effective and safe administration.

What is another name for the Heimlich maneuver?

Some sources refer to the maneuver generically as "abdominal thrusts."

What to do if a child is drowning and you do know CPR?

There is some controversy. Some say five thrusts of the Heimlich maneuver should be performed if the person has been underwater and the person is unconscious followed by CPR if there is no pulse/breathing. Others say that if no pulse/breathing is present, CPR should be started immediately without any thrusts of the Heimlich. Check with local authorities to find out what is routinely done in your area.

In cpr if the airway is open and the patient was given rescue breaths and the air is not goin in?

In CPR, if the airway is open and the patient was given rescue breaths and the air is not going in, there may be something lodged in the patients throat, and the Heimlich maneuver should be performed.

Should one start chest compressions CPR on a person who passes out after unsuccessful attempts at Heimlich?

Chest compressions are for cardiac problems, to maintain some blood circulation. The Heimlich Maneuver is for a blocked airway. If the person has a blocked airway and Heimlich did not clear it, chest compressions are not going to help. Find other ways to clear the airway.

Do you do CPR if person is cyanotic?

CPR is performed only when there is no heartbeat. A person may be cyanotic (blue) for several reasons- choking, extra cold, a collapsed lung, etc. Only when there is no heartbeat do you perform CPR (Part of CPR training is checking for a heartbeat and respiration) The person MAY be choking, and need the Heimlich Maneuver, not CPR. CPR is an extreme measure- even done well, it can still cause injury (cracking ribs)

Is there a way to save someone if their face turns purple?

If they're choking, perform the heimlich maneuver to remove the airway obstruction. If it isn't choking, really the only thing that you can do is wait until they become unresponsive and stop breathing. That's when you perform CPR. If you find them unresponsive then do CPR.

What is the first help in case of suffocation?

The Heimlich maneuver would be the first instinct and required if one were choking causing suffocation. Clearing the air passages and using CPR is most likely needed to stop suffocation.

Can you give your self CPR?

No, most of the time when CPR is required the person is unconscious and therefore is unable to give CPR to themselves. A person can give themselves a modified version of the Heimlich maneuver though.

What is maneuver in CPR?

A maneuver in CPR is performing a step in the process. For example, a step may be give the 2 breaths, or give compressions, or tilt the head.

What do you do if a child is choking on hard candy?

The next time CPR is made available, you should take the course. You should learn the finger sweep and the Heimlich Maneuver and a few other things. I had to sit through those very dull classes for my work. A few people are now alive who would be dead if I had not taken them.

Do you have to have training to babysit?

Yes! It's illegal to babysit if you don't have a licence. You also have to be a certain age for wherever you live.