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Insomnia, as most chronic or acte conditions has two major categories. Primary Insomnia

is difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking up too early with no apparent reason

(idiopathic). Secondary insomnia would be difficulty sleeping due to an underlying condition, such as Restless Legs Syndrome, chronic pain issues such as Fibromyalgia. Pain is the

number one issue that keeps people from sleeping. Sleep apnea is another sleep disorder that can interfere with your sleep and cause insomnia.

If you have insomnia for more than 4-8 weeks, and it starts interfering with you life, work or family, the it is time to talk with the doctor. There can be so many reasons for Insomnia.

Good sleep hygiene is essential- going to bed at the same time every night, develop a routine, find some coping skills like meditation with music, progressive muscle relaxation.

If necessary talk to your doctor about a medication to help. Once your circadian clock is disturbed from it's regular routine it is extremely hard to get back on schedule. is an excellent web site for Insomnia and other sleep disorders. A patient that is proactive and seeks knowledge has more power over the situation than one who does not ask questions. Getting the right treatment is key, and

reading all you can about insomnia, you will feel better just knowing that there are others out there that are going through the same thing you are.

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