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Q: Difference between a narcissist and malignant narcissist Abuse from a narcissist is bad enough is it worse from a malignant narcissist?
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A pre-malignant lesion is a lesion that, while not cancerous, has strong potential for becoming cancerous. An example would be a callous-like area between the cheek and gum where someone who chews tobacco keeps the tobacco plug. Given enough time, that area will often turn cancerous. Sometimes a chronic irritation from an ill-fitting denture can be called pre-malignant. The cause of a pre-malignant lesion should be determined and eliminated, and the lesion should usually be biopsied to make sure it is not cancer.

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Does a narcissist enjoy seeing his partner hurting?

He might, but it wouldn't be because of his narcisism. The true narcissist cares about his partner's feelings only to the extent that they reflect on him. The old joke is apt. "But enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think of me?"

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Without more information, there is not enough to conclude that there even is a difference.

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Why do you feel paranoid after a relationship with a narcissist?

It is due to the fact that they only care for themselves and they might think you aren't good enough. Get over it, since you are obviously scared they might try to get revenge for you not thinking they are good enough. But it is not in a narcissist's nature to harm, since that would be deemining themselves. KthxBye

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