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Possibly, Circumcision was done for Religious reasons. Some believe it is a covenant between God and Judaism

It has also been done for health reasons. Although there is no significant proof that it actually makes a difference if proper hygiene is practiced.

All of these reasons could be overlooked for the best interest of the child. Nobody wants to have part of their penis removed, especially against their will. Circumcision removes 2/3 the penile shaft skin.

It is dangerous and risky just like any surgery. it can also have a traumatic effect on the brain of the infant. They are more sensitive to pain and the unwarranted pain could lead to psychological problems and or learning disabilities.

Why are boys in the US 7 times more likely to have ADHD than girls? Is it circumcision? Well, we do not have any scientific proof. But look at the numbers. Boys are circumcised, girls are not.

It also decreases sexual pleasure by 70%. However most men who are circumcised as infants do not know this because they have no comparison means.

Men who are circumcised as adults often are disappointed and depressed in their loss. Some report no difference, but these statistics could be proven false. Supplying the reason that after an operation is done for a "presumably good purpose" people may lie while convincing themselves that "it will get better" truth is, it does not.

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Q: Did the apostles believe in circumcision?
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The main event is the Council at Jerusalem, where there was a debate about Christian vs Jewish custom, especially circumcision.

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Apostles creed is the prayer that tells what Catholics believe.

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No Buddha believes that the body is a temple that should not be mutilated or tampered with.

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Apostle means "One who is sent". So that would make all christians apostles.

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As far as I can tell Jesus was given that name at His circumcision. In Greek, the nameis Sotos, meaning 'Saviour'.

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