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Q: Did mosquitoes start cholera
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What disease is cholera?

the cholera disease is when the water you drink is dirty and you get cramps and diarrhoea, most people vomited and died :/

When did Cholera start in Haiti?

Cholera in Haiti started on the 21st of October 2010/this year

When do you capitalize cholera in a sentence?

when you put the word 'cholera' in the beginning of the sentence, like: Cholera is a disease.

Does the word cholera have to be capitalized?

No, the word cholera does not have to be capitalized unless it is the start of a sentence or part of a proper noun.

What is the problems that caused by water?

Contaminated water directly causes Typhoid and Cholera but indirectly cause water breeding surface for mosquitoes which causes Malaria and Dengue

Two diseases that can be caused directly by pollution are?

due to land pollution we get malaria typhoid dengue chikungunya etc opps it are due to mosquitoes

What diseases start with the letter c?

Some examples of diseases that start with the letter "C" include cancer, chickenpox, cholera, celiac disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

What viruses start with the letter c?

The common cold and cholera are viruses. They begin with the letter c.

What is chloera caused by?

Cholera is caused due to infection by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It is transmitted to humans from contaminated water either by drinking or the bacterium may enter the body through open wounds and sores when we are in contact with infested water. This is more serious as the bacterium may enter the bloodstream directly. Spreading of cholera disease from an infected human to another is made possible through mosquitoes, flies, and other household pests that serve as carriers. When the belongings of an infected person or the room of a cholera patient is not disinfected thoroughly the spread of cholera is possible.

When does mosquito start moulting?

Mosquitoes molt in larval condition like other insects .

What are the different types of vibrio cholera?

Vibrio cholera-01Vibrio cholera-0139Vibrio cholera-non-01Vibrio cholera-non-0139

What is a sentence using cholera?

cholera is poopy.