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It depends. If they did not care for it well they would have died of both wound and disease. But if they were treated well, they would not die of disease unless in a special case.

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Q: Did more soldiers die from wounds than diseases?
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What was the number one killer of the Civil War?

Gunshot wounds Diseases. More soldiers died of disease than in battle. the answer is diseases, i asked my social studies teacher

What did the soldiers die worse from than the wounds?

diseases EDIT: infection, amputation, smallpox, and well suicide for some... or friendly fire in Stonewall Jackson's case...

How did the majority of the soldiers die in the civil war?

More than 50% of the soldiers who died in the Civil War died of disease or complications from their wounds.

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That more soldiers were dying of diseases than from war injuries.

Why wounds of face heals faster than wounds of feet?

There is more blood in the head than the feet.

What killed as many soldiers as battle?

Diseases such as dysentery, measles's, cholera, and typhoid caused more deaths than combat in all wars through the American Civil War. Vast improvements in medicine since then have altered the picture. Since World War II, diseases and non-fatal wounds are a very small percentage of death in a war zone - armaments are the primary cause.

Why did soldiers during World War 2 recovered from their wounds than died?

Maybe they didn't fully recover!

True or false answer during the civil war more soldiers died of illness than were killed in the battle?

The death rates of both the Union and the Confederacy were very high. The large totals, however, were not due to deaths in the course of battles. Death came from wounds and other diseases that plagued both the Confederacy and the Union. Hospital care was not at a high standard, and diseases caused by impure water, and simple prolonged exposure in the military camps added to the death rate.

What percentage of American Civil War casualties died of sword inflicted wounds?

Good luck with finding the actual figure, but i should think very few: bayonets were much more common than actual swords, and by the time of the American civil war, rifle technology had made the firearms the soldiers carried that much more effective -i think disease, then rifle and shell wounds would be more common as causes of death than the bayonet, and certainly more common than the sword.

What were some of the major causes of death besides shooting and disease in the civil war?

diseases killed more than any other thing during the war. but with soilders that had wounds, they would most of the time become infected and kill them.

Why do words hurt more than wounds?

Most wounds will heal in a relatively short time, whereas hurt may last a lifetime.

Who has the most soldiers?

China. they have more soldiers than America has citizens.