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Q: Did Holly Thompson (the girl with the dislocated jaw) only have glasses on to see the board in the classroom and can she see clearly without glasses?
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Related questions

Does Johnny Depp wear glasses?

Same reason anyone else wears glasses, to help him see clearly

Why does nearsighted need glasses?

in order to clearly see farther away

Do eye glasses make you smart?

Yes! Obviously you must wear glasses yourself, to be able to ask such a clearly intelligent question.

Do you wear glasses or put on glasses?

Yeah but i hate wearing them outside of school. They feel weird on my face all the time. Its not that i don't like seeing clearly, its just that i hate wearing them.

How far can the eyes see if you have glasses on?

glasses give you 20 20 vision if you have the right prescription, meaning you can see clearly for 20 ft

How do you use clearly in a sentence?

You can use "clearly" to emphasize that something is obvious or easily understood. For example, "She clearly explained the instructions," or "It is clearly stated in the contract."

A device that allows distant objects to be seen more clearly?

binoculars, glasses, telescope

What is Carlson missing?

Carlson is missing his glasses, making it difficult for him to see clearly.

Is wearing glasses gay?

No, wearing glasses has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Glasses are simply a visual aid for those who have difficulty seeing clearly. Sexuality is a personal aspect of someone's identity that is unrelated to their choice in eyewear.

How do prescription glasses work?

They help a person who can't see very well see clearly.

What is meant by 20-70 vision?

It means you can see clearly at 20 feet what a normal person could see clearly at 70 feet. You may be needing glasses just for driving.

What is difference between reading glasses and distant glasses?

Reading glasses are designed to help correct near vision for activities such as reading or using a computer at a close distance, while distance glasses are used to correct vision for objects far away. Reading glasses have a higher magnification power compared to distance glasses due to the closer viewing distance.