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Dialysis is the machin which is used to perform the function of Kidney .

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Q: Dialysis is used to perform the function of?
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What is dialysis in biology?

Dialysis is a medical procedure used to filter waste and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys are no longer able to perform this function. It involves using a machine or a specialized solution to remove toxins and regulate electrolytes in the body.

How do you treat creatinine?

Kidney Dialysis

What is the function of artificial kidney?

The function of artificial kidney is mainly hemodialysis. This will be used to supplements the functions of the human kidney that has failed in terms of dialysis.

What is the function artificial kidney?

The function of artificial kidney is mainly hemodialysis. This will be used to supplements the functions of the human kidney that has failed in terms of dialysis.

What Process is used to clean the blood when the kidneys do not function?

Dialysis is used to clean the blood when the kidneys do not function properly. This process involves filtering the blood through a machine to remove waste products and excess fluids. Hemodialysis uses a machine to filter the blood outside the body, while peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of the abdomen to filter the blood.

Is it possible to slowly grow less dependent of Dialysis?

Dialysis is primarily used to provide an artificial replacement for lost kidney function (renal replacement therapy) (Renal referring to Kidney).Sometimes, this is resolved by giving the kidneys a break with a few dialysis sessions.If after the sessions, it is found that renal function has improved then less treatment will be required. If improvement continues there is a possibility that Dialysis will not be a permanent thing.

Procedure to replace kidney function'?


Which organ is affected due to dialysis?

Dialysis irs required when the kidney no longer function correctly and the dialysis cleans an organ called "The Blood",.

Which procdure is used to remove waste products from the blood of patients whose kidneys no longer function?

kidney dialysis

What is the process of artificially filtering waste products from the patients blood?

Patients with kidney disorders need to be treated with dialysis. Devices that perform dialysis are simply called dialysis machines (dialyzers). For more information on dialysis follow the links below.

What is the procedure to replace the kidney function?

It is called dialysis.

A dialysis machine serves the function of a?

in the kidney