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Whooping cough is a respiratory tract infection that is highly contagious. Diagnosis of whooping cough can be difficult because the symptoms and signs are similar to other common respiratory illnesses. Doctors may use a throat culture or nose test, blood tests or a chest X-ray to further diagnose the illness.

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Q: Diagnosis of whooping cough
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Where can you find information about diagnosis of whooping cough?

i don't know but i know lots of things about whooping cough

What disease has the symptoms of short fast coughs ending with a whoop sound?

It is called Pertussis or "Whooping Cough".

What shape is whooping cough?

the shape of whooping cough

What are the signs of whooping cough?

A heavy chronic cough is the main sign. Also chest congestion and very dry type of cough. Visit your doctor to have a proper diagnosis of your condition.

How do you know you have Whooping cough?

If ur cough makes a whooping sound when u breathe in or cough

Where in the world does whooping cough occur?

Every where in the world you will find whooping cough.

Use whooping cough in a sentence?

We were up all night with a baby who has the whooping cough.

Prevention from whooping cough?

In the UK all children are immunized agains whooping cough in their childhood immunisations therefore preventing whooping cough.

When did the whooping cough start?

Whooping cough began January 2010. It began with infants and newborns.

Does cvs give whooping cough shots?


Pertussis is the medical name for what?

The medical term, pertussis, is what causes whooping cough. Whooping cough is coughing uncontrollably, then gasping for air, which is caused by Bordetella pertussis.

Does my daughter have whooping cough?

I am not a doctor and cannot provide a medical diagnosis. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate assessment of your daughter's symptoms and to determine if she has whooping cough. Look out for symptoms such as severe coughing fits followed by a high-pitched intake of breath, and seek medical attention promptly if you suspect whooping cough.