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I am not a doctor, but I can safely answer this question as I have been, on more than a few occasions, either struck myself or have taken care of someone who has been struck with dehydration and/or heat exhaustion. Unfortunately for me here in Hawaii, they both go together.

The first symptoms are clear. Headache and fatigue are your first symptoms. When you are experiencing dehydration, you are often times far past the time when you were thirsty. This confuses many people. The next phase is when the headache becomes sever, vision is blurred, and you may collapse. In this situation it is best to get the person fluids as best as possible. Don't force them to drink a lot, since the body is in a bit of a shock. Just drink as much as possible. Now that person must rest out of the sun, with continual fluids.

The later effects, especially without fluids but often times even with, are flu like symptoms. These are fatigue, nausea, shakes, feeling cold and headache. This can last even for 1 to 2 days after the period of dehydration and exhaustion. The best thing to do is take it easy and continue to drink water and fluids with electrolytes like Gatorade.

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Q: Dehydration and heat exhaustion share what signs or symptom?
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Dehydration and heat exhaustion share what similar signs?

thirst and drymouth

What signs and symptoms do dehydration and heat exhaustion share?

Dizziness and dry mouth.As you discuss heat emergencies with one of your Airmen, you ask him the following question: "Dehydration and heat exhaustion share which of the following signs/symptoms?" Dizziness and dry mouthDizziness and dry mouth

What are Dehydration and heat exhaustion signs of?

you need to drink more water and eat healthier. especially at high elevations like the mountains.

What are signs and symptom of heat exhaustion?

Okay, the signs you need to look for are in they are dizzy. Are there mussles so weak that they can't walk? And most importantly, are they vomiting? Are they in nausea?Often the signs are dehydration and/or depletion of electrolytes which includes pale skin; profuse sweating; stomach cramps with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea; headache; persistent muscle cramps; and dizziness with loss of coordination.

As you discuss heat emergencies with one of your Airmen you ask him the following question D ehydration and heat exhaustion share which signs symptoms?

i thought i would find the answer here!

What are the clinical signs of dehydration?

Clinical signs of dehydration include dry mouth, decreased urine output, dark yellow urine, sunken eyes, lethargy, dizziness, and in more severe cases, confusion and rapid heart rate. Dehydration can occur due to inadequate fluid intake, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, or certain medical conditions.

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What are signs symptoms for heat exhaustion?

thirst, headache and maybe exaustion

Is shivering a sign of dehydration?

Yes. Both shivering and a rapid heart rate are signs of dehydration.

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Panting and them sticking their tongues out

Which signs may indicate heat exhaustion?

Hunger, fatigue, and back pain

Is exhaustion and fast racing heartbeat after a short walk signs of pregnancy?

No probably unfit!