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Degenerative jaw bone disease in dogs is a very rare and serious condition. The jawbone cells begin to die for reasons not fully understood. Dogs with this condition will suffer pain, lost of teeth, and have trouble healing wounds.

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Q: Degenertive jaw bone disease in dogs?
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How many jaw bone do you have?

the jaw bone is the layman's name for the mandible

How many bone are in the jaw?

The jaw consists of one bone, the mandible.

What is the largest facial bone?

The mandible or jaw bone is the largest facial bone and is your lower jaw.

The bone in your jaw?

The bone in your jaw is called the mandible. It is the largest and strongest bone in the human face, and it plays a crucial role in chewing, speaking, and facial structure. The mandible is connected to the skull at the temporomandibular joint, allowing for movement of the jaw.

Is their a jaw bone?

yes you have a jaw bone you can feel it if you put your squeeze your chin

How is a jaw bone infection detected?

A jaw bone infection can be detected through an X-Ray. An ultrasound can also show an infection in the jaw bone.

What is the correct name for a jaw?

jaw/jaw bone idiot

Where can you find the jaw bone?

In the jaw you monghole

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jaw bone jaw muscle

What is the only moveable bone in the face?

The mandible, also known as the lower jaw bone, is the only moveable bone in the face. It is unique in that it can move up and down, as well as side to side, enabling actions such as chewing and speaking.

What is a phossy jaw?

Phossy jaw, also known as phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, is a severe industrial disease caused by exposure to white phosphorus. It leads to necrosis and breakdown of the jaw bone, accompanied by symptoms like severe pain, swelling, and discharge of pus. It has largely been eradicated due to strict regulations on white phosphorus use in industrial settings.

Which is the movable bone in human skull and face?

The mandible, or the jaw bone.