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relax some times it's late ,but take a pregnency test 2 b sure

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Q: Cramps but no bleeding during periods im 4 days in my from my due date help?
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How can you tell how far along you are if you are still bleeding during pregnancy?

It is much harder for you to be able to calculate your due date when you have continued to have periods during pregnancy. However, a doctor or doula or midwife can tell very accurately how far along you are.

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A Date with Elvis - The Cramps album - was created in 1985.

You got your periods last 6th Sept but not normal bleeding Normal bleeding started after 2 days and this month again you got your periods on 6th Oct but small dot till date it means Pregnancy is ther?

You may be pregnant. See your doctor for a blood test.

If you are pregnant will you get your periods next month?

If u r pregnant you will not get periods next month. it's dam sure. But there is a sign called 'implementaion bleeding' dat is you will get a slight discharge of brown color which is different from normal periods. it will be like a stain not a heavy flow of blood. There will not be regular body pain or abdomon pain during this implementation bleeding. This is often confused as periods. Such implementation will go for 1 day or 2 dats all. Even you need not use napkin also. This is a sign dat you are pregnant. Before missing your period you can confirm this as this implementation bleeding normally occurs before the expected period date.

What date was bleeding Kansas?

no way man

Is it normal that you started bleeding on your normal period date but had no cramps and the bleeding usually reduces toward the end of your period but it has not and when will it stop?

I missed my last depo injection last August and had my first normal period in January then nothing till 26th April and i bled constantly for 19 days i went to the doctors and i was told it was not normal and they did tests to see if i had had a misscariage which i hadn't but they gave me some pills to stop the bleeding i was told that no one else coming off depo had had this

Is pregnancy 38 or 40 wks?

pregnancy lasts for a periods of 40 weeks from last missed periods. Pregnancy lasts for 38 weeks from the date of conception. Normally you do not know the date of conception. The date of last periods is taken normally to calculate the weeks of pregnancy.

How can you tell if you have a period or you're just bleeding due too pregnancy?

Typically implantation bleeding will take place approx 10 dpo and the consistency of it will be different than normal shed of the lining. It implantation occurs it will be light, spotty, and brown or pinkish in color. Sometimes periods are light with the change in stress , diet, environment etc. So wait until after period date and test :)

Date of bleeding Kansas?

Bleeding Kansas, also known as the Border War, took place from 1854 to 1861. It involved the states of Kansas and Missouri.

Can you explain more clearly how primolut N can be used to prepone periods?

One tablet three times a day starting three days before expected menses pushes the date of period further than the expected date. If you take the same course, say ten days prior to expected date of periods you will prepone periods. Note -periods begin approximate six days after starting tablets. This is for Primolut-N; contains Norethisterone 5 mg.

Can you explain more clearly how primolut-N can be used to prepone periods?

One tablet three times a day starting three days before expected menses pushes the date of period further than the expected date. If you take the same course, say ten days prior to expected date of periods you will prepone periods. Note -periods begin approximate six days after starting tablets. This is for Primolut-N; contains Norethisterone 5 mg.

What if you are getting the bleeding on the due date of mensuration orperhaps it is spotting how to confirm pregnancy?

You are not if you're menstruating