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Q: Could you survive for a few weeks without food a few days without water but only for a few minutes without air?
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How long can a parot survive without water?

They are water based animals so can survive under water for approximately 60 minutes, but without water 3.7 seconds

What would you need in Antarctica to survive?

Anywhere on Earth, in order to survive, a human requires body warmth, water and food, and generally in that priority order. In Antarctica, dressed in your finest Mediterranean garb, you could withstand hypothermia for about 15 minutes, you could survive a day, maybe two without water and several more days without food, depending on your body's fat stores.

Could a parrotfish survive in near freezing water?

No, it would die within several minutes.

Can you survive being under water for 12 minutes?

If the water was extremely cold there is a possibility, though the human brain cannot go without oxygen for 5 minutes on average.

Giraffes can survive without water how?

Giraffes cannot survive without water

How can a human survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

How can humans survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

Could octupus breathe without water?

No. Octopi do not need air to survive. They would die without water, although they have been known to survive for a short time in the air.

Can praying mantis survive without water?

No, a praying mantis cannot survive without water.

What type of flower could survive the longest without being in soil or having water or sunlight?

The flower that could survive the longest without water or sunlight would be a cactus. Now, you agreed to exotic gifts! Cacti have interesting looking shapes. You could get him a weird looking cactus. That would be funny, exotic and it would survive!

Given air food water heat could man survive without the sun?

food. heat and atmosphere would then be consumables. Yes, you could survive until out of these.

Why lily plant cannot survive without water?

There are no plants nor animals that can survive without water.