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Hello, Cervical Mucus (CM) is not a indication of early pregnancy. CM becomes more frequent & increases in quantity if pregnancy occurs but this will not be noticeable until 1-2 months into pregnancy. Mild cramping may be a indication of early pregnancy but it sounds like your period is due soon, so this is most likely why you're cramping. However if your period does not arrive then see your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if your last period was three weeks ago and now you have mild cramping and your cervical mucous is clear and wet but not stretchy and sticky?
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Its day eleven of your cycle your cervical mucous is clear and stretchy with small traces of blood can you be ovulating?


What does cervical mucous have to do with pregnancy information?

Cervical mucous is related to pregnancy information as it works as one of the primary indicators to tell oneself as to whether or not they are pregnant or not.

Are you pregnant if the cervical mucous has blood spots?

You could be, but it's more likely that you're just ovulating. Many women notice blood in with the cervical mucous during ovulation

How many days after ovulation will cervical mucous dry up?

I believe it is 16 days if not you may be pregnant.

If you are pregnant would the cervical mucus increase today is dry this may be a sign of a negative test any ideas?

Cervical mucous isn't a good way to tell if you are pregnant or not, some woman have lots of cervical mucous and others don't have as much that shows. I'm pregnant and sometimes I have a lot, sometimes not much and some days I'm dry. Also, I took a test the day my period was due and it was negative the next day it was a faint +, I skipped a day and when my period was 4 days late I got a dark + and a "pregnant" on the Clear Blue Easy didgital. So don't be discouraged if at first it is negative and because of cervical mucous.

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wait it out. a missed period is the best sign of pregnancy. take the test a week or two after your scheduled period, depending on how regular you are.

Is male semen stretchy like womans fertile mucous?

Yes, semen is sticky because it contains a small amount of mucus.

Cerivcal mucous with light blood is a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. Cervical mucous with light blood, also called light spotting, can be a symptom of embryo implantation in the uterus.

What is Endocervical curettage?

Endocervical curettage-- Biopsy performed with a curette to scrape the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

Can your mucous plug come out at 5 mos with a cervical cerclage?

It is not common for the mucous plug to come out at 5 months with a cervical cerclage in place. If you believe your mucous plug has been expelled, it is important to contact your healthcare provider immediately as this may indicate a risk of preterm labor. Monitoring any changes in vaginal discharge and discussing them with your healthcare provider is essential.

What does it mean if you lose part of your mucous plug and feel slight cramping?

You may be going in to labor. Please call your OB NOW!

If your on birth control then how do you know if you are ovulating?

You don't -KNOW- per se, but since most pills that aren't progestin based regulate your period to an exact 28 day cycle, you generally ovulate between the 12th and 16th day of your cycle. There is also a stretchy white cervical mucous that generally accompanies ovulation.