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this is not a sure sign that you could be pregnant it could just be an irregular period mayb eif you are under any stress or if youhave changed your diet. however this can sometimes happen when pregnant and if you think you could be pregnant then you should have a test or contact your doctor.

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Most women don't have periods that start and stop on an exact calendar, so 3 days late doesn't indicate anything. If a girl gets her period 3 days late and accompanied with normal cramping, most likely she is not pregnant. However, there have been numerous cases of women being pregnant and having light to normal periods or spotting throughout the pregnancy. Therefore, if you feel you might be pregnant, do a pregnancy test or see a doctor and find out for sure.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you were due for your period on the 2nd and had very light spotting from the 3rd to the 7th but not really a period although you did have cramping?
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Can you have spotting and cramping if you're not pregnant?

Yes. You can have spotting in between cycles or at the start of a very light period. Take a home pregnancy test if you'd like to confirm whether or not you are pregnant

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Pregnant didn't know it . It could be your body wanting to have it's period but it can't because you pregnant or miscarrying

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Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.

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Why are you spotting before and after my period?

your pregnant

Can you still be pregnant now that you are having bleeding and mild cramping?

Yes you can. Depending how far on you are, how serious it is. It may be an early sign of a possible miscarriage early in pregnancy. Towards the end it may be a sign that you are going into labour.

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If your spotting one day, then get your period the next day, that would indicate that your are NOT pregnant...

Cramping and spotting before period?

It is your body's way of preparing for your period. The cramping should only happen at least two or three days before you start your period. If you don't start, it may have been your body releasing an egg. The spotting, is very normal. Again, your body is preparing for your period.

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

If pregnant how long will it take for your period tp stop?

If you have sex while on your period, It won't stop. It takes your body time to acknoledge your pregnant. You may slow down to spotting. If you are pregnant, your next month's cycle will not be appearing. Although I spotted one day around the time I should of got my period when I was pregnant with my second son. A little spotting is normal, although I would suggest talking with a ob-gyn. I hope this was helpful.

Can feel like the start of a period be signs of pregnancy?

Yes. Mild cramping, sore breasts, light spotting, every body getting on your nerves, fatigue. All signs that your period is coming, but it never does. Must be pregnant!