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Yes you could be, or you could be having a medical problem or it could be nothing. Take a pregnancy test and then talk to your ob/gyn regardless if its positive or not.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you have been spotting but it only sHow is when you wipe and your stomach feels tight?
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What if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger?

it is quite likely that if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger then you are pregnant. spotting blood is often a sypmtom of early pregnancy. if your stomach feels bigger, it could be the result of numerous things such as bloating, weight gain or pregnancy. if this is happening to you then i highly suggest you do a pregnancy test.

My stomach feels heavy and i feel nausea could i be pregnant?

Yes you are very much pregnant.

If your stomach feels tight does that mean you are pregnant?


It feels like something is wrapped tightly around my stomach when I sit down Could I be pregnant?

You could be pregnant or you may be full. It is according to how long the feeling last. Consult your doctor if you have not had a full meal.

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yes you could possibly be young one take 2 pregnancy tests and find out

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she is probably on her period

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The symptoms you describe are not ones that could be put down to pregnancy especially at this stage of your cycle. There must be another cause.

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You could be tired or dehydrated.

You have not got your period your stomch hurts and it feels bigger?

You could be pregnant.

If your stomach feels like a rock and is getting bigger could you be pregnant even though you still have a very abnormal period?

Yes, you can be pregnant and have vaginal bleeding. There are other possibilities why you have swelling in your stomach and you should see your caregiver as soon as possible. If you are worried about being pregnant, but do not want to see a caregiver right away, get a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, it is very important that you get prenatal care for your child as soon as possible. Good luck!

What does it mean if your stomach hard?

There could be many reasons why your stomach feels hard. You could have gas or be constipated. A doctor will need to see you to make a correct diagnosis.